People always say you’re best dressed when you feel the most comfortable. The reason is that when you’re relaxed you can portray your most authentic self. There is no right way to be you, but studies suggest that people who are considered most true to themselves do these things in common.
Here are several things you can do to be your most authentic self and bring your best self forward.

It is important to take the time to review and prioritize what is most beneficial and important to you as an individual. It’s crucial to ask yourself if you’re being fulfilled and what your purpose is.
Asking yourself these tough questions allows you to be mindful and in tune with who you are and how you want to live your life. Many aspects of your life overlap and being in tune with each area will improve your sense of self overall.
Courageous Enough to Take Chances

Once you know how you want your life to look it is just as important to take the actions and risks to get there. Knowing what you want out of life is just the first step, making it happen is the second. Taking action to make the things you want to happen, happen is what allows you to live authentically.
Sure, there may be some reservations at first but in the end, anything worth having is worth fighting for. Facing your fears and taking those leaps will be what ultimately pays off.
Face Pain Head On

Everyone gets anxious at one point or another in their life, but it is powering through to get to where you want to be that will lead you to your most authentic life and therefore your most authentic self.
For example, if you spilled hot coffee on yourself and then were too afraid to drink hot drinks for the rest of your life that is not how any one person should face difficult experiences. Authentic people power through and confront challenges because they know the rewards that wait for them on the other side.
Prepared to Disappoint

Authentic people are not afraid to disappoint those around them. Don’t come for us, it isn’t what you think. Of course they don’t set out to cause harm and discomfort to others, but they do know their boundaries and they stay true to them.
No one else’s comfort should compromise your own well-being. Making sure that your personal headspace and physical space is protected first and foremost before you start thinking of others
Do Not Apologize For Being Who They Are

Don’t apologize for being who you are. Sometimes without realizing it people adapt and change according to their surroundings and the people around them, it’s important to halt this when we catch ourselves doing such.
You don’t need to justify your choices to anyone else or accommodate anyone but yourself. Your existence is for yourself first and you are not here to make others feel better about themselves.
They Are Not Easily Swayed By Others

Live for yourself! It’s your life and your choices for a reason, they are meant to make you happy in the long run. If you have a strong opinion about something or a topic, you can indeed here those around you out but ultimately you shouldn’t let them influence you into something that you doing agree with to your core.
Your core values define how you want to live your life and that of no one else. Don’t let anyone tell you there is something wrong with them. Often time others are projecting their own reservations onto you and it has nothing to do with you as an individual and your life.
Find Inspiration From Sources They Gravitate Towards

Look at what sparks you the most joy and try to incorporate these things and people into your daily life. This small thing will elevate your life and head space tremendously ensuring that you are your most authentic.
Living on your own terms is key and remembering to have fun is a crucial component of this.
Not Caring About What People Think

Let your hair down and stop taking other people’s opinions too seriously. Ultimately you’re the one who has to wake up with yourself every morning. Care less about what others think of you and care more about what you think of yourself.
Not everyone is going to fall in love with you and that’s okay. Get comfortable with not being able to please and connect to everyone, you don’t need to. No matter what you’ll find your people. Focus on the joy you do bring to the right people by being yourself.
Expressing Themselves While Being Able to Read the Room

It’s important to walk the fine line between being your true self and also being mindful of those around you. Being true to yourself doesn’t give you the right to completely disregard everyone else. Find the happy medium where you’re still respecting others without compromising yourself.
Just like other people’s comfort shouldn’t be placed above your own, your comfort shouldn’t be making others uncomfortable. It’s all about finding that harmonious spot in the middle.
Having Boundries

It’s okay to say no! You don’t need an excuse or a reason why you don’t want to do something in order to justify it. Simply not feeling comfortable or not wanting to is okay.
Getting comfortable with setting boundaries helps set expectations between you and those around you ensuring that you both stay content and on the same page. It’s a win-win.
Do Not Compromise on Privacy

Having a safe place where you can go for ultimate privacy is a great tool to help you unwind, keep a clear head space, and also gather your thoughts away from distractions. Make it known that this is your personal space and you can decide who enters or goes to keep your sanity in check.
We all need a place to ourselves occasionally, which is completely okay. This ironically, may end up being the thing that helps you connect better with others.
Being in Tune With What Brings Them Joy

Knowing what gives you joy is a great place to start in the journey to your authentic self but it is also important to complement this with other things that can balance it out.
For example, if you love workingout and did it to the extreme you would be exhausted all the time. It is important to balance the things you love with other things that feed into them so that they don’t exhaust you. If you balance workingout in the gym with eating healthy and doing other vigurious activities like hiking you can ensure that the things you love will maximize your quality of life as opposed to hindering it.
Don’t Wait For Other’s Approval

You want to go to Vegas and dance the night away or sing your heart out at a New York Broadway show? whether it is one of the two or something else entirely, just go for it. Don’t wait for someone else to give you permission to do so.
Don’t wait for someone else to give you the go-ahead, you are perfectly capable of giving yourself that reassurance. The time is now, don’t live for someone else.
If You Think It’s Cool, It’s Cool!

Whether or not someone else agrees, if you enjoy it then that’s good enough. Others don’t dictate what is cool, if you think it is then continue to invest in it. Regardless of what people’s standards are, you should not let that deter you from doing what your heart desires.
Making fun of someone or making them feel bad about liking something is the absolute worst. Be and let be. Everyone, including yourself, should be able to pursue what they want when they want without judgment.
Alone Time

Life can have a lot of hustle and bustle, so taking time to yourself and resetting alone will help prevent burnout and keep your authentic self present for the long haul.
Outside factors can be distracting and can skew your perception of what you really want so it is important to remove all these elements and then proceed with a clear vision towards how you imagine your life. Most importantly take things one day at a time.