A recent survey from The Harris Poll found that nearly 95% of Americans know their astrological sign, and a 70% majority believe in Astrology. Among these astrology believers, Millennials make up the largest age group at 32%.
These numbers come amidst a perceived “boom” of the astrology field as young people are flocking to it and increasingly rejecting traditional religions and types of spirituality.
Positive Vibes

The Harris Poll survey investigated feelings about astrology in the United States and found that an overwhelming 85% of adults have positive or neutral feelings about astrology.
Millennials in the study were found to be the most positive group, with 53% of them reporting positive feelings toward astrology.
Survey Metholodgy

The survey was conducted between January 12th and 14th at the beginning of the year. It took care to select a nationally representative sample of U.S adults.
The sample contained 2,069 adults and asked respondents to answer online. Of these adults 328 were Gen Z (18-26), 784 were Millennials (27-42), 485 were Gen X (43-58), and 472 were Boomers (59+).
Astrology Versus Religion

One focus point in the survey was examining how millennials are navigating their relationship towards astrology while probing their attitudes toward traditional religion.
The survey found that 31% of millennials believe that astrology offers a good alternative to traditional religion, and 56% of them felt their peers believed in astrology more than traditional religious practices.
Money Spent on Astrology

The survey found that 29% or almost 3 in 10 Americans spend their money on monthly astrology services. As you might expect given millennial enthusiasm around astrology, an increasing 56% majority of millennials also spend money on these services, which is more than any other group.
Astrology practitioners and astrologers will give readings to customers that will help them seek fulfillment in life and gain insight into what to do in particular situations.
Gender Agreement

Despite a persistent stereotype that women are the only gender concerned with astrology, the study found quite a bit of support for the spiritual practice among men as well.
When looking at responses, men were almost just as likely as women to be total believers, and men pay more per month for astrology services than women on average: paying $82 per month versus $56 per month.
Relationship Factor

One proposed reason that is driving millennial adoption of astrology is its usefulness in dating. 75% of millennials reported that they use astrology as a tool to help their relationships, while 70% of them said it is used as a navigational aid.
A Gallup survey found that 59% of millennials are single and have never been married, a significantly higher figure than Gen X at 16% and Boomers at 10%.
Dating With Astrology

One common way that people use astrology to help them with dating pursuits is through astrological signs. Astrological signs give people personality traits based on when they were born, and seek to help astrology adherents find out which astrological signs they are compatible with.
The Harris Poll survey found that 6 in 10 millennials know which signs they have compatibility with, and 56% admit they check a person’s astrological sign before they go on a date with someone.
Positive Dating Impacts

58% of Millenial respondents in the survey reported that their belief in astrology has positively impacted their dating lives.
81% of Millennials said that they have a preference for a particular astrological sign, choosing to try to seek out partners with this sign. 40% of millennials said that the astrological sign they least wanted someone to have would cause them to cancel a date with someone.
Air Signs Winning

Some astrological signs are divided into four elemental categories: air, fire, water, and earth, which 12 zodiac signs are divided between.
Air signs, representing Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, were the most popular in the survey. People with air signs received 30% of the vote which was higher than the other elements.
Water Element Most Avoided

In contrast to air signs, water signs, which consist of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, were the least popular element. 27% of respondents, which was the highest of any element, said that they would be least likely to want a relationship with a water sign.
All three water signs made the top three of least liked signs, Scorpio being the most unwanted with 12% of respondents saying they don’t want to be in a relationship with a Scorpio.
Total Believer Breakdown

The survey found that 51% of women and 49% of men report being total believers in astrology, making the numbers nearly equal. Millennials make up 50% of total believers, followed by Gen X at 27%, Gen Z at 13%, and Boomers at 10%.
Astrology total believers are more likely to live in Urban areas. 45% of people who are total believers live in urban settings, compared to 39% who live in suburban places and 16% of rural total believers.