Sensational Stones: Top Crystals to Elevate and Align Each Chakra

By: Jamie Marderstein | Last updated: Jul 11, 2024

The seven chakras in the human body each represent something different both physically and spiritually. They all serve their own individual purpose and should be treated with equal importance. Because each chakra is different, different stones should be used to enhance the healing processes of each one. The stones that pair with each chakra go in rainbow order, providing every color stone with a different role in the body.

This guide will show you how to improve each chakra using a different crystal and help you understand the purpose of each one. While this concept can seem overwhelming at first, selecting crystals based on your needs will be incredibly beneficial in the spiritual self-improvement process.

1. Root Chakra

The first chakra is the root chakra. Its location is at the base spine and deals with simple needs like security. It works to ground the rest of the body and, being the furthest down chakra directionally, provides structural integrity.


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To work with your root chakra, select black or red stones. Some examples include red jasper, garnet, and black tourmaline. These crystals assist in staying grounded and keeping composure.

2. Sacral Chakra

Moving up along the body, the second chakra is the sacral chakra. This chakra is located slightly further up from the root chakra on one’s abdomen. This chakra is associated with creativity as well as sexual wellness.


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Stones that pair with the sacral chakra are orange stones, such as carnelian and amber. Working with these crystals relates to creativity and helps balance the sacral chakra.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra

Next up is the solar plexus chakra. Involving inner confidence and self esteem, this chakra helps with decision making and being confident in oneself. Located at the stomach, the solar plexus chakra encourages challenging oneself and feeling brave.


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Topaz and citrine are yellow crystals that benefit in the balance of the solar plexus chakra. Using these stones can positively affect a person’s assertiveness and feelings of worthiness.

4. Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is related to the feelings of love, both for oneself and others nearby. As one would expect, the heart chakra is focused in the chest. If someone’s heart chakra is successfully balanced, they are able to build positive relationships within themselves as well as with others.


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Green stones can help balance the heart chakra like jade and emerald. Levels of self love can be increased through utilizing these stones. Additionally, becoming more open towards new relationships and strengthening current ones can occur.

5. Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is found at the throat. This chakra relates towards matters involving speaking such as truthfulness, self expression, and effective communication. Honesty is a very important aspect of the throat chakra. When this chakra is not effective, it can be difficult for one to express oneself properly.

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Utilizing blue stones to inspire creativity and promote honesty can work to balance the throat chakra if it is blocked. Some examples of these stones can include sodalite, aquamarine, and turquoise.


6. Third Eye Chakra

This chakra is seen between the eyebrows, in the spot on the forehead where a third eye would be. Similarly to how a person would be more observant if they had three eyes instead of two, the third eye chakra promotes insightfulness, observancy, and intuition. It allows people to see situations on a level deeper than the surface.

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To balance the third eye chakra, it is beneficial to use indigo stones like amethyst, azurite, and labradorite. These stones all help with intuition and assisting one in seeing things through a spiritual lens.


7. Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located the highest up on the body, at the top of the head. This chakra encompasses your entire body as a whole, spiritually linking you together. It connects us to a higher power. 

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To open the crown chakra, it is best to use purple and clear crystals: amethyst, selenite, and clear quartz. Each of these crystals compliment all other crystals well and even enhance their energy.


Divine Self Care

Self care practices are heavily emphasized in our everyday lives. Using crystals to focus on the specific aspects of your life that could use some extra attention will manifest a deeper sense of synchronicity altogether.

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Meditating with crystals fosters inner peace, bringing tranquility to those who engage in the technique. It allows us to connect with our spiritual self, grounding us and making us more well rounded.


Stay Balanced!

Balancing all seven chakras in your body is beneficial physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Your intentions and actions will align with what is best for you in all aspects of your life.

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By following this guide, it is easier to see how to utilize crystals to help balance and focus on each of the important chakras that make up your spiritual self.
