Russell Brand, a podcaster with millions of followers, was celebrated for sharing his baptism experience in the River Thames on social media over the weekend.
However, just a day after undergoing the Christian baptism ritual, he created controversy after posting a video of him looking through Tarot cards and explaining different readings and interpretations, something that many Christians disagree with.
Christian Baptism

Brand, an artist and podcaster with a focus on spirituality, was ecstatic in the aftermath of his baptism which he described as overwhelming.
“Something occurred in the process of baptism, that was incredible, overwhelming, literally overwhelming because I was obviously underwater, and it was the River Thames at some points. So I felt change transitioned,” Brand said.
Addressing Cynicism

In a video describing his experience, Russell addressed concerns about sincerity from people who might look down on him for being a celebrity.
“The cynicism, I understand. Some people will just see me as a celebrity. But I don’t see me as a celebrity…I recognize that anything in this terrain in the sort of social media world could be exploited and utilized. For me, I’ve made the decision, I know what the decision is.”
Criticism from Skeptics

Some online have criticized Brand’s baptism not just on the grounds of him being a celebrity, but because of his philosophy that there are many ways to reach God.
“He’s not choosing baptism because he sees Jesus as the only begotten Son of God or the exclusive path to salvation. Instead, he views Jesus as just one possible way among many. But baptism isn’t about seeking enlightenment or indulging spiritual curiosity, or “one of many ways to be reborn. It’s a profound declaration of dying to oneself,” said one X user.
Skepticism Confirmed

It seems like skeptics’ fears were confirmed after Brand posted a video of himself flipping through Tarot cards on his X account on Monday.
In the video, Brand asks his followers their opinions on Tarot readings. “A lot of Christians would say tarot and even Yoga is a kind of heresy. What is your personal view on that?” Brand said.
Disapproval From Christians

The post from Brand received many negative comments from Christians who expressed disapproval of his Tarot dabbling.
“You do realize that baptized Christians don’t play with taro cards? God is the only force you need,” wrote X user Watson K in a comment that got hundreds of likes.
Endangering Your Soul

A common sentiment shared among detractors was that Brand was playing a deadly game by touching Tarot cards and allowing their influence into his life.
“You are playing with demons and endangering your soul. Burn that and pray the rosary,” said X user Fred Simon.
Door to the Dark Side

Not every Christian expressed outrage, some said they would still pray for Brand to find his way.
“Russell I’ve been there but when the Lord really captured me and set me free it all had to go. Don’t keep anything that opens doors to dark side. Please and I pray for you. You’re going to feel Gods love like you never have before. Be blessed!” X user Angela Roberts said.
Different Opinions

While there were many commenters who were unhappy with Brand for making a Tarot video, others, including some Christians, responded positively to it.
“I’m a baptised Catholic and I use it. Been using it all my life for myself and others. It’s a great psychological instrument. Carl Jung used it with success to understand others better,” said X user Nicoletta Tavella.
Religion is Changing

While Brand’s video may have enraged some Christians and cast some doubt over his conversion authenticity in the minds of some, the question he posed goes to the heart of changing religious attitudes in America.
Increasingly millennials and Gen Z Americans are combining different religions and spiritual practices together.
Combining Tarot and Traditional Faith

A Springtide Research Institute study in 2021 found younger people are increasingly interested in tarot reading and fortune telling and that adoption of divination practices doesn’t necessarily come with a rejection of Abrahamic religions.
Interestingly, divination practices are most popular among Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians with 78% of young respondents saying they practice this type of spirituality. Next was Mormons at 69.4%, followed by adherents of Judaism at 62.1%.
Making Your Own Guidelines

Zaina Qureshi, who identifies as both Muslim and spiritual, extolled the virtues of combining different religious practices together.
With tarot and similar practices, Qureshi said, “we’re open to interpret what we want to think ourselves and make our own guidelines when it comes to spirituality, which is why I think a lot of young people resonate with it.”