The dating world can be an unpredictable place, there are many ups and downs. Many people turn to trusted loved ones for advice and comfort, but some also turn to astrology. Why astrology you may ask?
Well, the answer is quite simple. Despite the disagreements on whether or not your Zodiac is accurate, many people gravitate towards it for the reason that it provides a way to cope or it helps us make sense of things that we may not understand.
What Does Astrology Do?

Astrology dives into the psyches of human interactions and offers insight into how certain personalities may or may not mesh together. Through understanding such complexities and compatibilities communications between people and partners can be not only improved but also strengthened.
Through such practices, we all have the potential to create more balanced, meaningful, and deep relationships. Whether you’re looking for the right fit or already have a partner you care about, astrology can be another tool that helps you decipher love. Here is the lowdown on how to navigate dating through an astrological lens.
To Be or Not to Be a Stereotype

Astrology, many studies report, offers people comfort and that’s why most people ultimately gravitate towards it. I mean who doesn’t like comfort? Although Astrology can be open to interpretation many of the “stereotypical zodiac traits,” for the most part hold some truth.
For this reason, it is yet another tool that can be used while navigating the world of dating, of course, take everything with a grain of salt. But we aren’t against using all we can get our hands on, relationships are already hard enough.
Understanding Your Sign

To use Zodiac insights in the dating realm you must first know some basic tendencies and traits of each sign. Through this understanding, you can gauge the compatibility between your sign and theirs and yourself as someone who either loves or hates these traits around you.
For example, according to Astrology, those Aries types are hunters, they enjoy a good chase. While Virgos, who are incredibly kind gravitate towards the same level of care. But it doesn’t stop there, let’s break this down even further. Here is the inside scoop about what your sign says about how you date and what to do if you’re dating or trying to date one of these signs.
♈ Aries – Ram (March 21–April 19)

You have a lot of energy and typically gravitate toward planning the most exciting dates that revolve around memorable experiences. Going for a drink at a bar for an Aries is too predictable and therefore the ultimate bore. Cut a bit of slack to those trying to date you, they may not get it on the first try.
Dating An Aries

If you happen to be dating an Aries or have an Aries in your sights they’ll appreciate you taking control and knowing what you’re looking for. Do not beat around the bush, an Aries has no time for that. Your Aries may take a nonchalant approach at first to your advances but don’t give up.
Aries have quite a competitive streak so taking them to participate in some friendly competition on a date could be the way to go, bowling perhaps. When it comes to arguments they always love winning so it might be best to step away and let off some steam before getting into it.
♉ Taurus – Bull (April 20–May 20)

When a Taurus is in a relationship they see it as long-term. They are full-on relationship types and don’t see the appeal of hookup culture. They are trustworthy Tauruses for a reason, they are as loyal as they come. Try not to come off as too eager or too strong as a Taurus, don’t jump the gun before you know if this is the right fit.
Tauruses are grounded and level-headed in love, especially toward their partners so no reality check is needed. They believe in their partners wholeheartedly and offer the most support, but don’t lose yourself while rooting for someone else.
Dating A Taurus

When dating a Taurus you better believe you’ll have the biggest and most dedicated cheerleader in your corner. They are dependable and consistent especially when you need a little extra love and comfort. However, it is important to give your Taurus time to relax and unwind for themselves.
Keep in mind that Tauruses are as stubborn as they come so once their mind is made up it’ll be hard to change it without moving some mountains. This can be frustrating but be patient with it since they’ll remember once you cross them.
♊ Gemini – Twins (May 21-June 21)

Gemini’s are the definition of hopeless romantics and we mean this in the best possible way. Geminis appreciate a mental connection and value intellect above all. They are not only creative beings but can easily adapt and multitask. When approaching dating as a Gemini, ensure you’re not looking at things with rose-colored glasses.
They are quite versatile and charming, this is perhaps why and how they thrive in social settings as well as communicating. However, Geminis find it hard to commit because they love their options and may not want to get so serious right away, but if you manage to get their commitment, you won’t regret it.
Dating A Gemini

If a Gemini has caught your eye and your undivided attention, and let’s face it they probably have it is important to keep them curious. They love to be mentally stimulated and engaged. A little banter back and forth is what they thrive on.
Their noncommital attitude is just a way for them to protect themselves until they are sure they can trust you for they are afraid of getting hurt. Stay away from routines because a Gemini hates that more than anything. They do not shy away from an exciting challenge.
♋ Cancer – Crab (June 22–July 22)

The Cancer in dating is both shy and reserved so it’ll take a hot minute or two before they feel emotionally and physically comfortable with you. They love the comfort of home so a quiet homemade dinner date seems like a dream. Calling all Cancers, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, especially in dating, it will pay off.
Cancers can be a bit over-protective at times in relationships but being honest with them will help keep this to a minimum. They value family above all else and hold them super close so their partners will have to get along with them too. As a Cancer make sure that your relationship doesn’t take a backseat to your family, it’s all about balance.
Dating a Cancer

Cancers have impeccable instincts so don’t sugarcoat your feelings or your intentions because they’ll catch on right away. They can be moody at times but it is not personal so don’t take it to heart.
Cancers have lots of feelings so it is important to create a safe place for them to feel open enough to share and process them safely.
♌ Leo – Lion (July 23–August 22)

Leos love giving attention almost as much as they love getting it. If they are into someone they are likely to show it and be the loyal lion that they are. Sometimes a Leo can be a little possessive but it’s only because they love you so much. FYI they expect the same amount of effort in return and are unapologetic about it.
Leos can be very intense and they gravitate towards that same level of intensity. They are a fire sign after all so it makes sense that they have a level of passion that needs to be matched.
Dating a Leo: Roar with the Punches

If you’re dating a Leo or trying to then during the initial dating stages it is important to reassure your Leo and dazzle them. Leos take kindly to having their date and partners put in extra work and orchestrate a well-thought-out plan. The more effort conveyed the better.
A Leo is always warm and approachable so they expect the same in return, comfort is key. Most Leos love quality time as their love language so making the time to simply be with them and present in whatever you’re doing together is the best gift.
♍ Virgo – Virgin (August 23–September 22)

Virgos tend to know what they want when they approach dating, like much of anything they do they are both systematic and practical. They refuse to settle until they find exactly what they are looking for.
Although sometimes they can be a bit too judgmental and dismissive right off the bat. They are fixers but need to regulate how far they go to change people. Pushing people to their full potential can be positive but it is important not to take it too far.
Dating a Virgo

Virgos are suckers for punctuality, they appreciate you making plans, sticking to them, and arriving on time. They love people who are attentive listeners especially since they’ll give you back the same level of care. Ostentatious grand gestures will not impress your Virgo but if you want to impress them paying attention to the details and remembering them will score you bonus points.
Dating isn’t a memory game but for the Virgo the more you remember the higher you’ll score on the dating scale. We recommend starting with the simple things, like their favorite show, song, or food.
♎ Libra – Balance (September 23–October 23)

Libras are fancy to a fault. If you’re going out with a Libra they will be dressed to the nines and on their best behavior so you’ll have to keep up. Don’t worry they are responsible and although extravagant they won’t blow the budget.
Libras will be mindful of those around them, especially their partner. They strive to treat their partner the right way and are affectionate according to the room they are in with you.
Dating a Libra

If you’re dating a Libra or are interested in one they will appreciate some romance and an intellectual exchange. Your Libra may be a bit indecisive but don’t take it personally that’s just how their brain is wired, so you’ll need a lot of patience.
Libras like to keep the peace and serenity in relationships so they may avoid tension, but don’t be afraid to confront challenges with them, they are usually level headed.
♏ Scorpio – Scorpion (October 24–November 21)

Scorpios thrive on intensity in their partnerships. They are some of the most decisive people you’ll meet. If they are in, they’re in and if they are out, they’re out and there is no in-between. They won’t date for the art of dating, they always date with purpose either they can see a deep connection with you or they don’t.
Scorpios will pursue the one their heart desires until the earth ends. They will be perceptive and intuitive to their partner’s needs on top of being alluring and sensual. Scorpios can be a bit intimidating at times but if they stay mindful of their audience all systems will be in check.
Dating a Scorpio

Dating a Scorpio is quite nuanced. Great emotional depth is required and recommended when dating such a Star Sign for such a relationship to stand the test of time. You must go into your relationship with passion and the willingness to explore roads not traveled before.
Your Scorpio guy or gal can be somewhat mysterious but it’s all part of the fun of dating them. They are private beings so it is important to know that the most they care about is spending quality time together just you and them and not all of your social media followers.
♐ Sagittarius – Archer (November 22–December 21)

Being Wild and Free was most likely written about the Sagittarius. This star sign loves going on adventures and trying new things with their love. They love having meaningful and memorable experiences together but sometimes it’s important for them to slow down and appreciate where they are in the moment.
They value freedom, sometimes a little too much. When they are in a relationship it can cause some challenges but there is nothing a little balance can’t fix.
Dating a Sagittarius

Having a best friend who can elevate any outing simply by being present is exactly what dating a Sagittarius is. They are as witty as they are good at giving advice. A Sagittarius is a partner that can make even the toughest of situations emanate some light. You’ll always be able to lean on your Sagittarius but make it known that you are there for them as well.
Sagittarius beings love their space so giving them their alone time is key in making your relationship with them work for the long haul.
♑ Capricorns – Goat (December 22–January 19)

Capricorns make their partner feel like they have eyes only for them from the beginning, but they may have some workaholic tendencies that are important to keep in check. If Capricorns prioritize their work too much then this may lead their partners to feel neglected.
A Capricorn’s flirting tactics are unconventional, they may start acting silly and childish which is a stark contrast to the level of seriousness they usually exhibit. As a Capricorn try not to go from one extreme to the other, softer flirtation tactics may suit certain situations better. In short, definitely read the room before making any rash decisions or remarks.
Dating a Capricorn

Your approach to dating a Capricorn should be transparent since Capricorns think logically and dislike more than anything to feel like they are being made fun of. The idea of being betrayed cuts deeper than any other for this sign. For this reason alone transparency is the key to dating success.
To keep your relationship with a Capricorn at its best it is important that they feel that you are supportive of their goals and that you can create emotional stability for them.
♒ Aquarius – Water Bearer (January 20–February 18)

An Aquarius is an adventurous dater, nothing can phase them. They love intelligent conversations and trying things that they haven’t done before. This type of star sign smiles in the face of a challenge and making a difference with their partner.
The Aquarius sometimes avoids their feelings at all costs and has some emotional detachment tendencies so it is important to remember not to avoid feelings for too long as is it can build up and cause an explosion in the relationship.
Dating an Aquarius

The Adventurous Aquarius can come of as disinterested at first so you might not realize that they even like you back but it’s all part of their aloof nature. You may need some extra time and patience to understand if they are ready to take the plunge with you.
They will not show you affection right away and may take a few meet-ups and romantic outings before they feel comfortable enough to be their full selves. It’ll be so worth the wait though.
♓ Pisces – Fish (February 19–March 20)

If a Pisces is in love they are one of the most giving towards their partner. They show great compassion for and take extra care of their partner. The love language most dominant for a Pisces is acts of service. They like to feel needed and helpful especially if their partner is going through a challenging time they will be there for them throughout.
Pisces are both dependable and consistent so they are very stable in relationships. They are affectionate beings but find it difficult to receive criticism. As a Pisces, it is important to remember that your partner loves you unconditionally and their criticisms are not a reflection of that but rather the fact that they care.
Dating a Pisces

If you’re dating a Pisces or falling in love with one then it is important to know that they are intuitive and want to make sure that you’re having as much fun as they are so be honest about your feelings. They thrive on emotion so they are not afraid to share how they feel, make sure you aren’t either. They are kind partners so it will be easy to open up.
Even if things don’t go according to how you planned it, Pisces are so relaxed that they can make the most out of anything so don’t worry.
Sign Element Compatibility

When looking at the Star Signs each has its element, Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, while Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, and Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are water signs. These elements can affect compatibility while dating.
As a rule of thumb, Fire signs are most compatible with signs in the same element or complimentary like Air signs. Although Fire and Air signs think differently they are both energetic. Fire inspires Air while Air motivates them to bring their ideas to fruition. When looking at Earth signs they are most compatible with their own sign and Water signs since they offer each other support. Water signs are flexible and have emotional intelligence that reminds Earth signs to take it easy.
The Art of Dating

No matter who you’re dating whether your same star sign or otherwise what is most important is to keep an open mind and not be afraid of your own self-reflection, it’s like the saying goes, “It takes two to tango.” As you explore the world of dating there is no one way or right way to do things that works for everyone.
There will undoubtedly be a lot of trial and error but that’s all part of the learning curve. Hopefully, this can help you get started and even if it isn’t an exact playbook it’s another source of comfort.