This weekend and through into next week is an exciting one, astrologically – which could spell great things for your love life. Kicking off with a New Moon in Leo on August 4, followed shortly after by Venus entering Virgo, it’s set to be a wonderful week for matters of the heart.
Whether you’re wondering how to bring the spark back into a long-term relationship or feel ready to start dating again after a break from the scene, we’ve got the star-crossed advice you need!
Aries: Relight Your Fire

The Ram isn’t known for holding back, and it’s time to let your significant other know just how much they mean to you. While a grand gesture may be more up your alley, it’s the little things that are going to mean the most this weekend.
Show your love how much you care with thoughtful acts of kindness, heartfelt words, and giving them your full attention – put down that phone for a moment! And single Aries? A new love match could be just around the corner!
Taurus: Nurture and Self-Love

Taurus, it’s time to shower yourself with love and practice some proper self-care right now. Indulge your inherent sensuality and enjoy a long, deep bath, a mindful walk in nature, or a massage.
This weekend holds great potential for romance – however, be careful when it comes to communication. Mercury goes into retrograde in Virgo on August 5, so be sure that you and your partner aren’t speaking at cross purposes over the next few days.
Gemini: Finding Love Harmony

Harmony and balance are the watchwords when it comes to relationships over the next week, Gemini. With their dual natures, however, balancing acts come naturally to the Twins.
It’s a good time to nurture an existing romantic connection, and also ensure you’re getting enough “you” time. Single Geminis should focus on making a connection with someone who challenges and brings out the best in them.
Cancer: Embracing Playfulness

While Cancer may typically feel most comfortable in the sanctuary of their homes (their shells!), surrounded by those they’re familiar with, the Leo New Moon on August 4th could see the Crab embracing a playful mood!
The effect of this New Moon could have you Cancers feeling a little more outgoing and open to trying new things and meeting new people. Whether you’re in a relationship or looking for your special someone, make the most of this vibe to up the romance levels or get out there on a date.
Leo: Shining Bright

August is your month, Leo, and with that New Moon in your sign on the 4th, it really is a great time for your love life – and life in general! Those already in relationships will experience a “honeymoon” period, even if they’ve been together for years. Make the most of this to deepen your connection for long-term bliss.
And if you’re a lone Lion? Your charisma and magnetism (never less than impressive anyway) are off the charts this month. You’re going to be attracting people to your left, right, and center, and a first date could spell love at first sight – but take the time to communicate your needs clearly if you’re in a new relationship.
Virgo: Self-Care is Key

Make this month all about you, Virgo. You’ve been putting so much effort into work and relationships lately that, this weekend, the stars suggest you kick back and pour some of that care into your own cup.
The New Moon on August 4 is the perfect time for a fresh start. So whether you need to clear the air with your significant other or have been thinking about diving back into the dating game, it’s a great astrological moment to do so.
Libra: Balancing Passion and Caution

Passion and caution may be at opposite ends of the scales, but if anyone can balance them, it’s Libra. And that’s exactly what you may need to do regarding your love life as we go into this weekend.
Venus is in Leo until August 5, so be mindful that the excitement and passion this could generate may lead to some hasty decisions. By all means embrace the flames of love – just be sure to keep a fire extinguisher handy ready to douse out the ramifications of a rash move!
Scorpio: Love Transformation

Change is in the air for Scorpio as we head towards the weekend and into this week. Relationship blocks or a negative mindset that may have been adversely affecting your love life are set to shift, allowing for new possibilities and a sense of direction.
As with so many of the other signs, harmony and balance should be actively sought in the early part of August. Embrace practical means of showing your partner (or prospective partner) how much you care, while also being open to the odd display of passion – something that comes naturally to you Scorpions.
Sagittarius: Patience is a Virtue

Those in existing relationships may find communications a little strained at the beginning of August – it may not be an inherent trait, but patience really is your best friend over the next week, Sagittarius. Things will soon get back on an even keel.
Archers looking for new romance could find that a casual encounter has the potential to turn into something more significant. So keep your eyes open at the networking event, evening out with friends, or even trip to the supermarket!
Capricorn: Time to Reflect

The early part of August is likely to be a busy one for Capricorns, in every area of their lives, including romance. It’s important to take a step back, a deep breath and reflect on your direction. Mindfulness and gratitude are likely to serve you particularly well right now.
The weekend is a great time for a fresh start. If there’s someone special in your life who you’d love to connect with, it’s time to tell them how you feel. And for those Goats in a committed relationship? Make sure you tell your significant other how much you care. You may think they already know, but believe us, they’d love to hear it.
Aquarius: Deepening Romance

Aquarius, the last weeks have seen you investing in your romantic relationships or, for singles, gaining a deeper understanding of what you’re looking for in a partner. You’ll continue to reap the rewards of these actions and insights over the next week.
As Mercury goes retrograde on the 4th, be mindful of communicating at cross-purposes; you may even experience a romantic blast from the past trying to get back in touch. Stay cool, however – things will stabilize as we go into next week.
Pisces: Nurturing a Healthy Relationship

You may not be known as the zodiac’s most practical sign, Pisces, but the next week could see you take the sort of sensible steps that’ll set the groundwork for a beautiful and healthy relationship. You’ll have increased clarity, and instinctively know what you need from your love connection, and how to bring this about.
It’s time to focus on wellbeing, both your own and that of your relationship. Single Fish are likely to see a boost to their natural charm from the weekend, which could make for an exciting new romantic connection.