Some creatures look like they came straight out of a scary horror book. Despite the spookiness of these beings, they are real and truly exist in our world. You probably aren’t even aware of their existence!
Ever wondered what the creepiest creatures that really exist are? We compiled a list of these spooky specimens for you. Don’t get too scared as you read on!
1. Vampire Squid

Found in the deepest depths of the ocean, the vampire squid resides. Its giant arms extend all around and can encompass anything it desires. Because it lives so deep in the ocean, its surroundings are incredibly dark. In order to see at these deep levels, the vampire squid has a disproportionately large eye to make sewing easier.
Another characteristic of the depths that it lives in is true darkness. The vampire squid utilized bioluminescence to see and be seen by others, giving it a truly eerie glow.
2. Lamprey

Is that a giant tube sock with an oddly shaped mouth? No, it’s just a lamprey, also known as a jawless fish. Its body is long and slender and can be easily characterized by its circular, suction-like mouth and sharp teeth.
Lampreys eat other fish to survive, penetrating their baring teeth into fish and using their suction mouths to suck on other fish to feed.
3. Thorny Devil

Ouch! Be careful not to touch one of these mischievous little creatures, as their bodies are covered in numerous spikes. It almost looks like a tiny spooky dinosaur. The reason behind these many spikes is to disguise the lizard from any predators, making potential enemies fear for the spikes that protrude from the lizard’s body.
These animals can be found in the desert, primarily in Australia. Their color allows them to camouflage into their surroundings to help them stay hidden, so be careful where you walk!
4. Shoebill Stork

Upon first glance, this large bird seems to be minding its own business. But don’t attract its attention, because these winged creatures have a menacing stare. These birds have a comically large bill, some of which can be as giant as nine centimeters long.
Don’t get into a staring contest with a shoebill stork, as the creepiness may lead you to voluntarily quit after the first few seconds.
5. Giant Weta

If you’re not a bug person, these insects will certainly not be your cup of tea. Native to New Zealand, the giant weta is one of the biggest insects to ever exist.
Despite their scary appearance, these bugs are pretty docile. They live in forests and hide away during the day, only coming out at night to find vegetation to eat.
6. Moray Eel

Flotsam and Jetsam, is that you? Moray eels are known for their long and skinny bodies, being able to slide through the water with ease. In order to allow them the ability to breathe, these eels constantly have their mouth wide open to let water pass through.
This provides for a frightful appearance, as these eels sport extremely sharp teeth!
7. Net Casting Spiders

While we are on the topic of creepy eyes, check out the size of the eyes on this spider! Net casting spiders live in dark areas and therefore need humongous eyes to see better in the darkness.
In addition to these unsettling eyeballs, net casting spiders have a scary way of capturing their prey. These spiders hang upside down and weave a geometric net up high. Once it locates its prey, it launches the net over its prey to trap it and eat it. Gross!
8. Japanese Spider Crab

That is one ginormous crustacean! Japanese spider crabs are the largest crabs to exist, with legs reaching up to 12 feet long. You can probably guess how these eerie arthropods got their name, as these fascinating creatures look like a spider and a crab mixed together.
Japanese spider crabs live at the depths of the ocean, and even thrive for long periods of time. Some can live to be 100 years old!
9. Goblin Shark

Only a few kinds of sharks are found at the very depths of the ocean, one of them being the goblin shark. They are distinguishable by their long, flat snout that protrudes out of their faces. Its tiny eyes are disproportionately smaller than its snout, giving the shark a strange look.
As if the snout isn’t long enough, it can be extended while feeding, making it even bigger!
10. Deep-Sea Anglerfish

You may have seen these eerie fish once before in _Finding Nemo. _It’s face features incredibly sharp teeth and a large mouth.
However, the most disturbing characteristic of these creatures is the strange light that emanates from its head. The use of this light is to attract prey and it is caused by bioluminescent bacteria.
Quite a Fright!

Lucky for us, the majority of these creatures live in environments that we will never encounter in our lifetimes. Surely you didn’t even know of the existence of many of these animals, and maybe that’s for the better!
Can you believe that beings like this truly walk this planet among us?