Frequent flyers are all too familiar with the way traveling by plane can cause our bodies and immune system to fail. Between feeling bloated, stressed, sniffly, and fatigued during and after a flight, traveling can be exhausting.
However, traveling does not need to be a burden. There are many ways to help us feel refreshed after a flight. Flight attendants use these tips to help stay happy and healthy while traveling.
Prioritize Sleep and Relaxation

Plane seats may be small and uncomfortable, the seat in front of you may be reclined far back, or a kicking and screaming child might be behind you, but it is imperative to get some rest on the plane.
Some ways to get sleep on a plane work better than others. Flight attendant Niccolo Serratt jokes that he has “observed the many creative ways passengers make themselves comfortable.”
Finding a Neck Pillow

There are many different types of travel pillows available, from bizarrely-shaped plush headpieces to cushioned crossbody straps that attach to a plane seat. Finding one that works best for you will be necessary to get some good travel shut-eye.
Serratt recommends a classic c-shaped neck pillow turned around so it sits under your chin for people who bob their heads while sleeping. A reversed pillow will support a sleeper’s chin instead of laying uselessly against their cheek.
Natural Sleeping Aids

Some plane travelers choose to take a natural sleeping aid like melatonin to help in their rest. However, especially on a plane, experts say that people should not take anything stronger or more potent than a natural solution.
Additionally, sleep aids should not be taken if a passenger chooses to drink alcohol on a plane. Alcohol and sleeping pills (including diphenhydramine, which is in Benadryl, Tylenol PM, and many other medications) can be extremely dangerous to take together.

Many people are anxious travelers. Tools like meditation can help people with plane nervousness.
Meditation can also help people get to sleep easier. Using an app like Insight Timer can allow people to listen to a guided meditation while in the air.
Combating Jet Lag

Getting some sleep on the plane can ensure that you arrive at your destination well-rested, but you do want to have a plan to combat any jet lag you might experience. Flight attendants recommend that if you have plans or activities you need to do at your destination, don’t sit down! You might just realize how tired you are and conk out.
There are different strategies for combating jet lag. Maria, a flight attendant on a Middle Eastern carrier, says, “If I’m in a destination for any less than 32 hours, I stick to home-base time. It sometimes means I’m up at unsociable hours or skip out on fun activities, but I prefer staying healthy and well-rested.” Other flight attendants go with the flow: they eat when hungry, sleep when tired, and stay active during waking hours. With this strategy, your body will slowly adjust to the new time zone.
Exercising Before the Flight

Exercising before a long flight has many health benefits. It can help you feel less sluggish during a flight by promoting better blood flow throughout your body and increasing your heart rate.
Serratt recommends a pre-flight workout. He says that they “help [him] arrive more relaxed and mentally prepared for the stressors of air travel.” Aside from traditional workouts, Serratt continues, “I always sing and dance in the confines of my hotel room to boost my energy and bring my best self forward for the flight.”
Moving During the Flight

Movement during a flight, even if it is small, can also help you keep healthy. Joyce, a flight attendant on a major airline for almost eight years, explains, “Regular movement and at least 1.5 liters of water per flight does it for me.”
Serratt invites passengers to walk up and down the aisles and stretch during flights—as long as flight attendants are not bringing carts down. Some airlines, like Qantas, actually have entire designated spaces onboard for stretching and relaxation.
Hydration – It’s Important!

When on a plane, everyone needs to drink much more water than usual. According to the Aerospace Medical Association, you should drink at least eight ounces of water every hour you’re in the air.
Because we are experiencing extreme pressurization when we fly, our bodies bloat and deflate. This can make us very uncomfortable. By staying hydrated (and avoiding certain foods—which will be explained shortly), our bodies will be much more comfortable and healthy.
Avoid Salty Foods

What kind of flight foods you consume can impact your travel experience greatly. Ro Huntriss, a dietician and founder of Fertility Dietician UK, says that food high in sodium should be avoided, because it causes bloating and dehydration.
Unfortunately, airline snacks tend to be salty—peanuts, crackers, pretzels, and other similar foods. Therefore, you should be smart about what you decide to consume. And, of course, remember that hydration is important. Drink more water if you do decide to eat a salty snack.
Protecting Your Immune System

The physical and mental stress of traveling can be exhausting. Additionally, the pressured air in plane cabins is recycled and you are sitting close to strangers for hours on end. Sickness is always an unfortunate possibility. However, there are some precautions that can be taken to lessen your illness probability.
Certain vitamins, many of which you can get as supplements, can help your immune system. According to Huntriss, Vitamin C boosts our immune system and energy levels and minerals like zinc and selenium can help solidify your immune health before and during travel. Additionally, you can sanitize your seat and table with a disinfectant wipe and wear a mask to be extra safe.
Healthy Travel, Great Vacation

The life of a flight attendant comes with many challenges, but attendants end up being the most knowledgeable about staying healthy when flying. Although strategic management of health and wellbeing is required, with the correct approaches, flying can be a great (or at the very least, manageable) experience.
By being well-rested, combating jet lag, exercising before and during the flight, staying hydrated, and eating nutrient-rich foods, you too can have a healthy plane flight experience. When you have a better travel experience, you can better enjoy your destination.