Author: Loretta Smith

Loretta is an American writer who has pursued a career in travel, entertainment, and lifestyle writing for various online publications. In addition, she holds a bachelor’s degree in film. Whenever she isn’t writing, she enjoys watching movies, doing yoga, and traveling around the world.

“It’s the small things,” some say, because, most of the time, small daily decisions significantly impact our lives. Whether starting the day with a positive mindset, choosing a nutritious breakfast, or taking a few minutes to practice gratitude, these seemingly insignificant decisions can profoundly change our overall well-being and happiness. In this article, we’ll explore how some simple yet powerful choices can cultivate a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Seeking Feedback for Personal Growth Source: cottonbro studio/Pexels Genuine growth comes from seeking honest feedback. A great way to do this is by scheduling sit-downs with your inner circle and…

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Across the internet’s bustling virtual marketplaces, a distressing trend has emerged as the relics of Ethiopia’s rich heritage find themselves tangled in the web of online trade. Reports of ancient artifacts, once safeguarded in the sacred halls of Tigray’s churches, have been surfacing on platforms like eBay. Scrolls, manuscripts, and sacred bibles, each a testament to Ethiopia’s storied past, have been listed for a pittance, raising suspicions of looting amid the turmoil of the Tigray conflict. The story of these auctioned-off holy artifacts unfolds against the backdrop of a nation ravaged by violence, displacement, and famine. Stories of Christian manuscripts…

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In our modern, fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the stories of others until they directly affect us. Dr. M.A. Chaudhary was on his way to work, but unlike any other of his countless commutes, this one offered him a moment of enlightenment. He shared his story in a Facebook post titled “Respect the Invisible,” which became an immediate internet hit, with over 21,000 shares and counting. It all started when Dr. Chaudhary was trailing behind a car that was going at a snail’s pace rather than matching the rush of highway traffic. Despite his growing frustration and honking, the…

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Virgos — what’s not to love about them? Born between Aug. 23 and Sept. 22, they come with all the power of the Earth signs. With a blend of complex traits and characteristics, they often leave others pondering the depths of their personality. Let’s journey through the best and worst of what Virgo brings to the table. Virgos depend heavily on their logical side. They will dissect every possibility before arriving at a conclusion, ensuring no loose variables escape. This dedication spills over into their work ethic; as they strive to achieve their goals, they often burn themselves out to…

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