Author: Morgan Gregory Strauss

Morgan writes full-time about nutrition, health, travel, politics, and entertainment, occasionally freelancing as an editor, proofreader, and ESL tutor. When not passing prose through the wringer, Morgan enjoys spending time in the garden with the butterflies and orange trees or playing long-winded board games with close friends.

Even the gentlest souls sometimes find themselves drawn to the allure of cruelty. But why? Whether expressed through public spectacles of humiliation or sly jibes disguised as humor, this unsettling tendency is rooted deep in the recesses of the human psyche. The Thrill of Superiority For some of us, there is an almost irresistible allure to belonging to the perceived “superior” group. The spectacle of a public put-down and humiliation not only satisfies a primal human desire for superiority but also serves to deflect attention away from our own deep-seated vulnerabilities. Consider the phenomenon of the celebrity roast: when a…

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In a world where “no” often feels like a word from a foreign language, learning to decline gracefully is a habit worth mastering. Klara Kernig, an educator and self-help guru who helps people pleasers learn how to rebuild their healthy boundaries, offers five ways to politely decline without deploying falsehoods or taking a guilt trip: Polite Rejection with a Promise When invited out but unable to commit due to a scheduling conflict, whether formal or informal, opt for honesty with a touch of consideration. Saying, “I wish I could, but I have other plans,” gracefully conveys your unavailability while leaving…

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Self-care isn’t just about indulging in pleasurable or stress-relieving standbies; it’s an attitude to living that aims to ensure proper physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Think of it as a symphony where each aspect (mind, body, spirit) plays a crucial role in creating the music — neglecting one can throw off the harmony. So, what exactly is self-care? First, self-care is primarily concerned with sustaining positive physical, mental, and emotional health by building certain behaviors and attitudes.  Many perceive self-care as a luxury rather than a priority, leaving them overwhelmed and ill-equipped for life’s inevitable hurdles. To begin the act…

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